As a Protestant, when I read Matthew 18:10 where Jesus inferred that an angel was assigned to me, I just sort of thought "Check", file that fact away in my theology box. But I learned from the Catholics to really think about the ramifications of these facts and act on them. Angels are spiritual beings that can appear as human beings but most of the time remain invisible. There are good angels serving God and us and evil angels called demons that followed Satan in his rebellion against God who seek to deceive and harm us. So when I talk about angels, I am talking about those who are loyal to God and I will use the term demons for those who are in rebellion towards God.
But the main point in what Jesus said is that God cares about us enough to give us each an angel to protect and serve us. And we can assist them by praying for them and they can hear us. They also fight for us as the book of Daniel mentions in Chapter 10 where Daniel is seeking understanding about a matter from God and an angel is dispatched to bring the answer to Daniel but he gets tied up in a battle for 3 weeks with the Prince of Persia who appears to be a demon in charge of that area. The archangel Michael has to join the battle in order to free the angel up to continue on his mission. So that was why it took 3 weeks for Daniel to get an answer to his prayer. So next time an answer to a prayer of yours is delayed, maybe an angel is having to fight his way to you.
You might ask, "Well, Howard, have you ever been aware of your guardian angel?" I think perhaps when I was about 5 years old or so. It was a Sunday and we were at our church, Hilltop Presbyterian, which was on the crest of a hill (hence the name Hilltop). I was playing out in front of the church and for some reason ran out into the road, saw a car come over the crest of the hill and tried to run back to the side of the road. My foot landed on a round stick in the road and I fell in front of the oncoming car. I was aware of a movement of some kind around me and the car came to a sudden halt just a couple of feet from me. I think the movement might have been my angel rushing to stop the car.
So now I thank God and my angel for keeping watch over me. My eyes have been opened like Elisha's servant in 2 Kings 6:15 Early the next morning, when the servant of the man of God arose and went out, he saw the force with its horses and chariots surrounding the city. “Alas!” he said to Elisha. “What shall we do, my lord?” 16 Elisha answered, “Do not be afraid. Our side outnumbers theirs.” 17 Then he prayed, “O LORD, open his eyes, that he may see.” And the LORD opened the eyes of the servant, and he saw that the mountainside was filled with fiery chariots and horses around Elisha. I also pray for the angels as they fight for God and for us. NABRE
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